Le karaoké islandais : par ici les paroles !

Depuis la semaine dernière ça vous démange? Alors lancez-vous et vous aussi relevez le défi ! Filmez-vous et postez votre vidéo sur les réseaux sociaux avec le mot-clé #singiniceland !

Découvrez la vidéo « The Hardest Karaoke Song in the World« , nouvelle campagne de communication de l’Office du Tourisme d’Islande !This is the a-ö [a-z] of Iceland, so try to sing along.

This is the a-ö [a-z] of Iceland, what could possibly go wrong?

I start my day with coffee or kaffi [coffee] is what we say

I pour a little mjólk [milk] in and feed my horse some hey [hay]

I look out the window to see if there is sól [sun].

I eat my morgunmatur [breakfast] and sit down in my stól [chair].

This eyja [island] is kind of awesome no matter what you see,

There’s hverir [hot springs], list [art], and jöklar [glaciers]

And vinir [friends] you can meet.

Skál! [cheers!]

So pack your töskur [bags]

Iceland has it all.

From austur [East] to vestur [West]

Just don’t look for elves.

You don’t even exist!

This is the a-ö [a-z] of Iceland, so try to sing along.

This is the a-ö [a-z] of Iceland, what could possibly go wrong?

Our sundlaugar [swimming pools] are cosy.

Afklæðast [undress] all the way.

But don’t forget sundskýla [swimming shorts]

Before you go and play.

You might see a torfbær [turf house]

Or hike in the þjóðgarð [national park]

And you must say hi to Villi

Because that is my dad!

Pabbi! [Dad!]

And you can rent a bílaleigubíll [rental car]

Enjoy the drive on hringvegurinn [the ring road]

Be mindful of malarvegir [gravel roads]

And don’t traðka [tread] on the moss

–       It grows back so slow!

Like seventy years!

This is the a-ö [a-z] of Iceland, so try to sing along.

This is the a-ö [a-z] of Iceland, what could possibly go wrong?

Since the upphaf alda [beginning of time]

The sheep has been around.

Vinaleg [friendly] and gracious,

Every man’s best friend.

We cuddle them and klappa [pat them]

And then take all their ull [wool].

We wear them like the kappar [champions]

And they’ve always kept us…


This is the a-ö [a-z] of Iceland, so try to sing along.

This is the a-ö [a-z] of Iceland, what could possibly go wrong?

This is the a-ö [a-z] of Ísland [Iceland]

So reyndu að syngja með [try to sing along]

This is the a-ö [a-z] of Ísland [Iceland]

Now memorise this lag [song]

You just sang the hardest karaoke song in the world, you speak Icelandic. You can even say Plokkfiskur [traditional Icelandic stew]

You’re almost an Icelander, almost, seriously it’s a lot of paperwork.

Just come and visit!


Pour plus d’informations: www.inspiredbyiceland.com

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